Sleeve Gastrectomy

Did you know that sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical procedure that can be used to reduce the volume of the stomach and turn it into a tube shape? This procedure is typically used in the treatment of morbid obesity and can provide significant benefits to patients with accompanying conditions such as diabetes. Unlike other weight-loss surgeries, such as gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy does not involve the placement of any foreign objects in the stomach.
The procedure itself is performed under general anesthesia, and most surgeons use a laparoscopic, or closed surgery, method. Depending on the surgeon and the patient, the procedure can be performed through a single hole or 3-4 holes. After the operation is completed, patients are usually kept under observation in the hospital for 3-4 days. Special diet programs may also be applied before the surgery to reduce the size of the liver and make the surgery less risky.
Before undergoing sleeve gastrectomy, patients undergo a variety of examinations to evaluate their suitability for the procedure. These examinations assess whether there are any conditions, such as stomach ulcers or heart disease, that may prevent surgery. Additionally, patients are evaluated by weight control and dietitians, as well as psychology and psychiatry specialists, to determine their spiritual suitability for surgery.