Facelift Aesthetic

Are you tired of looking in the mirror and seeing the signs of aging staring back at you? Sagging skin, wrinkles, and blemishes can make you feel self-conscious and unhappy with your appearance. But don’t worry, there is a solution – facelift aesthetics.
Facelift aesthetics is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries of our time, and for good reason. This procedure, also known as the classical facelift, can help you achieve the desired appearance of your face by eliminating sagging and wrinkles through a hanging and stretching method.
As we age, our sedentary lifestyle, irregular sleep, excessive stress, alcohol and cigarette consumption, and other factors can cause the facial area to develop lines around the eyes, under-eye bags, dark circles, droopy and drooping eyelids, sagging under the chin, lip edge lines, low eyebrows, lines in the nose area, sagging cheeks, sagging and lines in the neck, and skin spots. Facelift aesthetics can eliminate these deformations, leaving you with a younger, more refreshed appearance.
Suitable candidates for facelift aesthetics are men and women who experience sagging and wrinkles in the neck and face area, typically over the age of 40. Additionally, procedures such as eyelid aesthetics, nose aesthetics, and forehead lift can be successfully performed alongside facelift aesthetics.
Before undergoing facelift surgery, it’s essential to prepare yourself by quitting smoking, avoiding herbal foods and aspirin consumption, and following your doctor’s recommendations. The surgery can be performed with local or general anesthesia in a hospital environment and typically lasts between 3 and 10 hours, with patients able to be discharged on the same day.
Facelift surgery may leave a scar, but it is usually hidden behind the ear or slightly above the temple area, posing no serious problem when viewed from the outside. After the surgery, a drain is attached to the patient to help prevent bleeding and edema and accelerate the healing process. Sutures are removed after 7 days, and patients can take a warm bath as of the second day after the operation.
While short-term bruising and swelling may occur, facelift aesthetics is a safe and effective procedure with no serious side effects. Say goodbye to the signs of aging and hello to a younger, more vibrant you with facelift aesthetics.