Prominent Ear Aesthetic - Otoplasty

Did you know that ear development reaches 90-95% by 6-7 years of age? This means that otoplasty surgeries should be performed in the preschool period, with almost all prominent ear deformities being considered as birth defects that affect some people negatively over time. The psychological issues that people with these defects may experience, such as self-disparagement and the need to hide their ears, can be avoided by having an otoplasty.
There are two ways that the otoplasty procedure can be performed: suture-based and laser-assisted. Suture-based otoplasty is a non-surgical technique that does not carry potential risks associated with surgical operations. It is also a very comfortable procedure that lasts only 10-15 minutes, and patients can return to their everyday lives on the same day. Laser-assisted otoplasty, on the other hand, is a comfortable and fast procedure that yields lasting results.
Post-operative care for otoplasty is also relatively easy. Patients can go outside after the procedure and take a shower within the following 2-3 days. They are asked to wear a protective headband, which is also referred to as a tennis player band, after surgery. The cost of the surgery varies depending on the technique to be performed, which should be determined together with the doctor depending on the patient’s ear structure.
By having an otoplasty, patients can achieve a natural-looking ear structure and improve their psychological and physical health. It’s important to note that prominent ears can lead to emotional problems for some, as children with prominent ears may get bullied by their friends who usually act without thinking the consequences of this behavior. Therefore, it is of great importance to get this type of procedure in preschool period for the sake of the child’s psychological health.