Mid-Facelift Surgery

Mid-facelift, the secret to a youthful appearance, is the go-to surgery for those seeking a pain-free and short procedure that yields amazing results. The endoscopic technique is becoming increasingly popular among women who want to achieve a flawless and younger-looking face. This procedure is less complicated than classic facelift operations and addresses the mid-face area, including the sagging in the cheek area, the hollow appearance between the eyelids and nose, and the laugh lines.
Although mostly preferred by middle-aged people, this surgery can be performed frequently and can help patients achieve a perfect shape with minimal pain and discomfort. The procedure is performed by making an incision through the lower eyelid or inside the mouth, and the sagging parts of the problem areas are suspended upwards, resulting in a tightened and sculpted face.
Post-operative care is crucial for a successful recovery. Patients are advised to attend follow-up appointments and avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for a while. Paper plasters are applied under the eyes for five days, and cold compresses can be used to reduce swelling and bruising. Makeup products and skin creams can be applied ten days after the surgery.
The cost of mid-facelift surgery varies depending on the hospital and treating surgeon, but it’s important to choose a qualified plastic surgeon to achieve the desired results. With the latest technology, scars are no longer a concern, and patients can enjoy a permanent Botox effect, lifted brows, and an almond eye effect. It’s vital to consult with an aesthetic surgery specialist before the procedure to ensure the accurate planning and cost determination for a successful and satisfying outcome.